Vocabulary from “A Good American”: Elegiac

wondrous memeWelcome to the Wondrous Words Wednesday meme hosted by bermudaonion.net.  Join me as I share a word from my current read and learn a few more from other bloggers!

My book club has started A Good American by Alex George.  An epic tale, it begins at the turn of the 20th  century, with two German immigrants who escape from disapproving family by fleeing to America.  I’m not too far in yet, but the cover tells me that the novel explores what it means to be a “Good American”, and how it feels to be an outsider in your town, your country, and even your own family.

Music weaves itself throughout the narrative, as noted in the opening line of the novel:

Always, there was music.

Here’s a new word I found:

They sang … maudlin songs of love, and sentimental ballads about the land they left behind.  The words rose up to the ceiling, joyful and elegiac.

elegiac \,el-ə-‘jī-ək\ also \i-‘lē-jē-,ak\ adj from Greek elegos, song of mourning ; of relating to, GoodAmerican.inddor comprising an elegy, especially expressing sorrow often for something now past.

[Note: there was also a cryptic reference to a specific form of Greek poetry involving dactylic hexameter lines and “arses”.  I didn’t think that applied here…]

Word Nerd Workout

Think of an elegiac song or poem, something that captures what this word means.

For example:

I love how S. E. Hinton incorporated the elegiac poem Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost into her book The Outsiders. 


Thanks for playing, and I hope you learn some great words today!  A few weeks ago, I picked up a fun new expression with this meme:  Don’t get in a swivet!


Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. I can’t think of a good sentence either, Julia, but I’ve certainly felt the emotion enough times. Especially when I see mamas chasing after toddlers.
    Thanks for all the cool words. I especially appreciate the research on their roots. (says my left brain)

  2. A Good American was one of my favorite books from last year. It felt as if it were the story of my own family. And yes, I loved all the music throughout the book as well. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did.

  3. Your workouts are tough for me. The first song that popped into my head was He Walks With Me – I’m not sure it’s elegiac, but it’s the song my dad wanted sung at his funeral so it always makes me cry.

    1. Sorry Kathy! I don’t want to be tough, just promote some brain activity that will help us all remember the new words. And yes, your songs sounds very elegiac. Thanks for stopping by.

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