Vocab from The Ranger’s Apprentice: Taciturn

wondrous memeWelcome to Wondrous Words Wednesday, a great way to improve your vocabulary. Visit Kathy at Bermuda Onion to find other cool words. Don’t forget you could write your own post and share in the learning.

All my kids, as well as my husband, have enjoyed The Ranger’s Apprentice series by John Flanagan. It’s middle grade fantasy, set in a world based on medieval England. I’ve recommended it to several moms for the 10-12 year old set and have gotten rave reviews in response. But I’m ashamed to admit I haven’t read the books myself… until now! Audible has the entire series, and we are currently enjoying Flanagan’s stories on the hour ride (one way!) to swim and soccer practice.

Ranger's ApprenticeOne of the main characters in The Ranger’s Apprentice, Halt, is a talented ranger known for his grim and taciturn nature. Flanagan uses this word so often, I wanted to be sure I had it right.

taciturn \’ta-sǝ-tǝrn\ adj from Latin tacitus meaning silent

  • temperamentally disinclined to talk

This sounds like my hubby! People often misunderstand his taciturn nature as anger or pride. He’s the opposite of me, loquacious and chatty. We’ve got a good balance going on.

Word Nerd Workout

I’ve featured a few word nerd words that could be great synonyms or antonyms for taciturn. You should have plenty ideas to complete this analogy:

Loquacious: taciturn :: garrulous : _______________

Good luck, and thanks for playing.


Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. I wonder how fitting restrained would be in that analogy. I can feel like I am restrained, but never that I just don’t want to speak or have nothing to say! But I talk incessantly, I’ve been told.

    Taciturn could have been something Charles Ingalls used on Little House on the Prairie to cook bacon.

    1. I know, right? “Pa fired up the taciturn…”

      Although we’ve never met in person, I’m thinking that you are the antithesis of “taciturn”. Restrained could fit the analogy. Thanks for playing!

  2. This one I knew! I actually looked up taciturn a few months ago when I came across it in a book. It’s one of those words I will read sometimes but never bother to define.

  3. I recently heard taciturn on an audiobook. I meant to look it up. One of the characters was talking about a group of children, said, “They are all so taciturn.”

  4. My husband and I take turns being taciturn…but he’s definitely more inclined to be taciturn in public; and often perceived as grumpy 🙂

  5. Taciturn is a word to describe my DH too. He is a quiet one, prefers to listen rather than talk. Sometimes it frustrates me a lot! *smile*

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