Three Great Mother’s Day Gifts

You know what I’d like for Mother’s Day? A week-long vacation to a secluded beach house. There, someone would prepare healthy meals and leave me alone to write, read, and exercise. I’m thinking yoga, hiking, and paddle boarding. After three days of solitude and relaxation, I might let my hubby join me.

Unfortunately, I won’t get that this year. Nor do I expect many of you can give it. But I do have some practical ideas for Mother’s Day gifts with a Word Nerd bent.

glitter and glueGlitter and Glue, a memoir by Kelly Corrigan

In 1992, Kelly Corrigan set off to see the world. A new college grad, she believed that “things happen when you leave the house.” After a few months, Kelly landed in Australia, broke and a little disheartened better “things” hadn’t happened.  She took a job as a nanny for two young children who had lost their mother to cancer.  The experience changed her dramatically.

For many years, Corrigan’s relationship with her mother was “adversarial but functional.” She says,

“When I was growing up, my mom was guided by the strong belief that to befriend me was to deny me the one thing a kid really needed to survive childhood: a mother… She looked at motherhood less as a joy to be relished than as a job to be done, serious work with serious repercussions.”

Corrigan’s experiences as a psuedo-mom caused her to rethink her attitude about her own mother.  Her memoir uses crisp writing and fresh descriptions to share profound insights on the complicated job of motherhood.

I loved Glitter and Glue.  It got me thinking about family relationships from multiple perspectives.

  • as a mother- am I too hard on my kids?  Too practical, too distant, too blunt (like Corrigan’s mom)
  • as a daughter – My mom and I had plenty of arguments and miscommunications.  Just when I was old enough to appreciate her (age 25), she died from a neurological disease.  I  wish I had as much time as Corrigan to learn to love and accept her mom while she was still living.
  • as a mother – will my daughter (age 13) ever appreciate me?  Will she call me as an adult when she has questions?  She currently shares a fair amount with me – thank God- but sometimes, our conversations sound like this:

Her: Nevermind

Me: How will I ever understand if you don’t explain?

Her: You just don’t get it

Me:  (smiling ruefully, because I was 13 once, and I do get it) Hopefully someday you will get it.

Her: looks at me like I have three noses

When my daughter is old enough, I will give her this book. 🙂

I highly recommend Glitter and Glue for all mothers and for adult children.

Spiral Sudoku

My mother in law loves working Sudoku puzzles to keep her brain sharp. She recently pointed out that spiral bound puzzles are easier for her to handle. It made perfect sense- spiral books are easier to keep open to a page and to write on. A great suggestion from a smart lady. Here’s a spiral Sudoku at Amazon.

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms, by Kristine Carlson

Dont Sweat Small Stuff MomsYears ago, in the child-bearing haze of my 30s, someone gave me Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff for Moms by Christine Karlson. It has short, inspiring chapters for moms with children of any age. Sadly, Don’t Sweat got buried in the “diaper days”, and I only recently rediscovered its treasures.  I read a great piece the other night in which Karlson insisted that parents need to keep expectations and boundaries firm and clear for toddlers as well as teens. Talk about validation! The snippets offer the perfect soul food for the exhausted mother.


Can you suggest any other Word Nerdy gifts for moms this year?

Please add to the list! And for all you moms, Happy Mother’s Day. And for all of you who have lost their moms, you will have a special place in my thoughts May 10.


The Origin of the Soccer Term “Nutmeg”

wondrous memeLast week’s post on the origin of “Hat Trick” prompted great discussion on Facebook, as well as the mention of another curious soccer term, the “nutmeg” or “meg” for short. If you think of nutmeg as merely a spice, I’ve got a revelation for you!

If you want to learn more about new and unusual words, join the fun with Bermuda Onion’s Wondrous Words Wednesday meme. Visit Bermuda Onion and/or write your own post and link up.

What the Nutmeg looks like in soccer

Sometimes when we’re playing soccer in the back yard, my eldest son sends the ball between my legs as I defend him. He shouts “Nutmeg!”,collects the ball, and shoots on goal. He’s not talking about cooking. The term is used when a player passes the ball between an opponent’s legs and maintains possession.

I hate getting nutmegged!  When I defend, I try to keep my legs bent and staggered instead of wide open. But sometimes I forget.  And get humiliated.

My dear friend Valerie thought the term might reference a hit to the “no zone” … you know, with the mention of nuts and all.

I’m here to clear up the confusion.

The Meaning of Nutmeg

There are several theories about the origin of the term “nutmeg”. Wikipedia says it comes from “tunnel,” (like a tunnel through the legs) and offers several words used for the trick in foreign languages, including

  • “Caño” or “túnel” in Hispanic America
  • “Panna” in European, Latin, and African countries (panna is a Surinamese word)
  • “Tunnel” or “Beinschuss” (leg shot) in Germany
  • “Petit Pont” (little bridge) in French
  • “Salad” in Jamaican English
Uh oh, that boy is about to get nutmegged!
Uh oh, that boy is about to get nutmegged!

The Guardian has a juicy story, thanks to the book Football Talk – The Language And Folklore Of The World’s Greatest Game by Peter Seddon. Seddon links the term to sneaky practices in the nutmeg trade in the 1870’s. Back then, nutmeg was such a precious commodity that traders would mix wooden replicas into sacks of nutmeg shipped to England. The term “nutmegged” came to mean being deceived and made to look foolish by a clever adversary.

The Guardian also shared some other suggestions, including the fact that “meg” rhymed with cockney slang for leg. Or the notion that “nuts” (another term for nutmeg in Northern England) references the nuts (testicles) of the player tricked by the move. So, Valerie, you might be right!

I like the trading story, myself.

Word Nerd Workout

Can you share another term from sports that has an interesting background?

Thanks for getting nerdy with me.


Why You Should Geek Your Library

A few weeks ago, I saw this sticker at my local library:

Geek the library
I’m already a self-proclaimed Word Nerd. Could I be a geek too?

My young friend Annika tells me that a geek is someone who obsesses about things like comic books, anime, or Sherlock. A nerd is someone with academic or intellectual interests and/or abilities. In other words, someone like me, who likes learning new things via the TED Radio Hour and Grammar Girl podcasts.

So, it seems possible that I can be a geek AND a nerd. I just don’t want to be a dork.

I was curious about this Geek stuff, so I checked out According to them, “to geek” is:

  • To love, to enjoy, to celebrate, to have an intense passion for.
  • To express interest in.
  • To possess a large amount of knowledge in.
  • To promote

Geek the Library is a non-profit promoting public libraries and encouraging funding for them. Their slogan “Geek the Library” reminds us that public libraries support all geeks, as well as normal people.

Public libraries play a critical role in our society by offering things like:

  • free public access to computers and the Internet
  • assistance with online job applications
  • help with homework or tutoring
  • special programing such as art classes, gardening tips, and music.
  • reading programs to encourage reluctant readers
  • resources and information on hundreds of topics
  • entertainment via books and DVDs

Many people are struggling because of the poor economy. Public libraries can fill in the gaps by creating a sense of community and providing valuable assistance.

They can’t do all this without funding.

Here’s where you come in.

  • Use your library to help you with what you geek.
  • Tell other people about available programs and resources at your local library.
  • Find out how your local library gets funding, and do what you can to help.
    • For example, I know my library gets money based on participation in the winter and summer reading programs, so I always sign up my family.
  • Get cool t-shirts and stickers from that proclaim what you geek.  (I’d like an “I geek books” shirt, myself.)
  • Share what you geek at the geekthelibrary site.

I proudly geek my local library, as well as books, soccer, grammar, and Tolkien.

What do you geek? What do you do to support your local library?

Thanks for getting “geeky” with me. 😉


The Origin of “Hat Trick”

wondrous memeAll three of my boys play soccer, and a common phrase we hear out on the pitch is “he scored a hat trick!” If you’re not familiar with soccer or cricket, you might not understand why a hat trick causes so much celebration. I’m here to explain.

If you want to learn more about new and unusual words, join the fun with Bermuda Onion’s Wondrous Words Wednesday meme. Visit Bermuda Onion and/or write your own post and link up.

When a player in soccer, or other goal scoring sports, gets three goals in one game, people say he or she has scored a “hat trick”. But since when does “hat” have anything to do with three? Merriam-Webster had the scoop.

Hat Trick:

  1. the retiring of three batsmen with three consecutive balls by a bowler in cricket
  2. the scoring of three goals in one game by a single player
  3. a series of three victories, successes, or related accomplishments

The phrase comes from British cricket. When a player retired three batsmen with three consecutive balls, the club gave him with a new hat to honor his accomplishment. Hence, “hat trick”. The term expanded to include one player scoring three goals in any appropriate sport, and eventually it came to mean three major achievements in any field. It’s now sometimes used in baseball when a batter gets three hits during three turns at bat.

One of my favorite soccer players fighting for a "Hat Trick".  It's okay to grab an arm, right? ;)
One of my favorite soccer players fighting for a “Hat Trick”. It’s okay to grab an arm, right? 😉


Word Nerd Workout

Can you share another term from sports that has an interesting background? Check out my posts on the meanings of coach and compete. (Originally, “coach” was all about “carriages”!)

Thanks for getting nerdy with me.


Why You Should Read We Were Liars


Have you ever read a book that you loved and kinda hated at the same time?  That’s where I am with We Were Liars by E Lockhart. I think of it as “Gone Girl for YA.”


We Were Liars tells the story of the Sinclair family, a wealthy bunch who summer on their own private island off the coast of Massachusetts. Their “smiles are wide, their chins square, their tennis serves aggressive”. But once you strip these beautiful people of their designer accoutrements, you find some ugly faults hidden underneath.

we were liarsCady, the protagonist, spends idyllic summers with her cousins, the Liars, swimming, boating, and falling in love. But during the summer when Cady was 15, something awful happened.  And she can’t remember what it is. Nonsensical snippets come back to her, along with painful headaches, but no one will explain because the doctors want her to figure it out on her own.

And, as astute readers might guess from the title, We Were Liars, Cady is an unreliable narrator, meaning we can’t trust everything she tells us.
All this makes for a page turning read.

I’m conflicted about this book because it is so well written, yet there are certain aspects of the story that leave me disturbed and unsatisfied. I also want to review it without spoiling it, because the end is critical. Let me tell you the good stuff first.

What I liked

  • Lockhart uses fresh, vivid descriptions for her characters and their emotions. For example, when Cady explains that her father abandoned her family because he couldn’t stand being with the Sinclairs anymore, she says

Then he pulled out a handgun and shot me in the chest. I was standing on the lawn and I fell. The bullet hole opened wide and my heart rolled out of my rib cage and down into a flower bed. Blood gushed rhythmically from my open wound…

On first reading, I foolishly took this literally, then realized Lockhart’s skill with description.

  • Excellent pacing – Lockhart carefully parcels out clues in short, snappy chapters that kept me engrossed.
  • Lockhart has a poetic style, which gives Cady a unique voice.
  • Cady jumps around in time as she tells her story, which adds complexity and interest.
  • Throughout the novel, Lockhart alludes to Shakespeare’s King Lear; the conflict between the king and his daughters perfectly compliments this story. There’s also a reference to Wuthering Heights.
  • The ending totally surprised me.

What I didn’t like

  • The ending.

True, I never would have guessed what happened, but I read the last several pages with my face twisted up like I’d eaten a lemon. Shocked and not necessarily happy about it. Perhaps that’s what Lockhart is going for. I don’t read many thrillers, but the few I have (e.g. Gone Girl) have also left me disturbed. I suppose to craft a truly surprising ending, an author has to strive beyond the expected. But I didn’t like where this went.

  • Although the characters are interesting, I didn’t feel a strong connection to any of them. The ending didn’t help. The plot drove my reading more so than the characters.


If you like a good thriller, such as Gone Girl, then you’d probably like We Were Liars. Actually, I liked it better than Gone Girl, which has too many ridiculous plot twists in the second half for my taste. This is a well written book, and one that got me thinking. It’s great for conversation.

Just don’t expect a happy feeling when you turn the last page.

Have you read We Were Liars? Please tell me what you think about it!  Can you recommend any other thrillers, especially for YA?

Thanks for stopping by!


Vocab from Phillis Wheatley: Retinue

Wondrous Words Wednesday

wondrous memeIn my last post, I promised that reading and memorizing poetry would improve your vocabulary. Then the very next day I read a classic poem, via my Poem a Day emails, and I had to look up three new words! Told ya!

If you have new words from reading that you’d like to share, join us at Bermuda Onion for Wondrous Words Wednesday. Write a post with an interesting word and link up, or visit the posts of other word nerds.

On Saturday, delivered On Virtue by Phillis Wheatley. This poem is in the public domain, so I may quote part of it here:

Auspicious queen, thine heav’nly pinions spread,
And lead celestial Chastity along:
Lo! Now her sacred retinue decends,
Array’d in glory from the orbs above.

Although I had to look up pinions and appellation too, the word I’m focusing on today is:
Retinue \’re-tǝ-nü\ noun from Anglo-French retenir to retain

  • A group of helpers, supporters, or followers.

In this poem, I think Wheatley pines for a closer connection to Virtue and personifies her as a glorious angel figure.

Why you should read a poem a dayWord Nerd Workout

Can you use retinue in a sentence? Here’s my try:

The young Leo DiCaprio always brought a retinue on location with him when shooting movies.

Thanks for getting nerdy with me!

Have you read a poem today?  It just takes a few minutes.