How John Green Can Improve Your Vocabulary

Last Week’s Winners

Thank you to everyone who gave the August Vocabulary Review a try!  The answers were:
  1. oleophobic = oil resistant, and Apple puts it on iPads to resist the oil on our fingers.  (Maybe iPhones and iTouches too)
  2. ersatz = inferior substitute
  3. winsome:pleasing :: supercilious: haughty, arrogant, conceited
Although many of you were close, I’m going to share “Link Love” with two bloggers who had the most correct answers:
*Word Nerdy Note:  Emily now has two wins under her belt!  Good job Emily.

Look for a quiz the last Tuesday of the month to test your Word Nerd prowess and see if you can beat the two win record!

This week’s Word Nerd Word

I recently finished the YA novel Paper Towns by John Green.  You can count on Green for humor, as well as a good dose of geeky.  Maybe that’s why I like him so much.  His characters regularly spout off multisyllable words as they evaluate their lives as well as good pieces of literature (another reason I’m a fan.)  Here’s a useful piece of vocab for you:

Ben came over after dinner and we played Resurrection, pausing every half hour or so to call Radar, who was on a date with Angela.  We left him eleven messages, each more annoying salacious than the last.  

Salacious \sə-‘lā-shəs\  adjfrom Latin salax, fond of leaping, lustful, and salire to leap; arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination; lascivious

Teenaged boys leaving salacious messages?  Never!

Word Nerd Workout:  Think of a something from the media (a TV show, movie, or song, for example) that  could be described as salacious.  I’m thinking these suggestions will help the meaning of the word stick in our heads.

My example:  True Blood  (Although I’ve never watched it.  Honestly.)

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Other Word Nerd Words:

Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. Great ideas everyone! Yes, yes! Read John Green. And we have lots of salacious titles to consider. Honestly, from the text, I thought salacious meant obnoxious! Good thing I looked it up!

  2. Good post, Julia! And I like “salacious” — just can’t think of a good sentence! Some might consider “Jersey Shore” to be salacious, but I just think it’s trashy and dumb.

    I guess that qualifies as a sentence 😉

  3. Thanks for the Link Love!

    Salacious- I’m with Laura- the first thing that comes to my mind is 50 Shades of Grey.

    I’ve read some of John Green’s other books, so I must pick up a copy of Paper Towns soon, it looks great!

  4. Salacious. My first example is from one of my favorie shows: “Lost Girl” is a fantasy tv show that also has some fantastic salacious scenes between fae & fae and fae & humans.

    A lot of songs by Donna Summer are salacious such as “Love to Love You Baby.”

    Chloe Neill’s Chicagoland vampire series has some sexy, not trashy, salacious scenes involving key characters.

    The original Charlaine Harris Sookie book series has some exquisite salacious scenes – scenes that are softer in my mind than the “Late Night Cinemax” trashy sex movie scenes that “True Blood” seems to imitate and usually surpass.

    Let’s see if I can think of a movie – what about the erotic scenes from the original “Blue Lagoon” with Brooke Shields & Christopher whats-his-name. The movie “Bound” with Jennifer Tilly & Gina Gershon has one of the more salacious sex scenes in 1990s movies.

    For me, the connotative definition of salacious is more naughty (erotic) rather than nasty (lascivious).

    Thanks again for the lesson, Julia!!


  5. I’m thinking of a million examples right now…

    Pretty Little Liars… I’ve never seen it, I’ve read reviews that it was pretty intense.

    Rihanna’s song about whips and chains… um, yeah.

    Which leads me to the book, yeah you guessed it- 50 Shades of Grey. No, I haven’t read it, but is there really a human being on the planet that DOESN’T know about it?

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