Good News for Printed Books

Printed books

Are you, like me, a reader who enjoys the weight of a printed book in her hands? Do you like to fold down corners and feel the grain of paper under your fingertips? Then I have good news for you!

When e-books first came out, everyone predicted printed books would go the way of cassette tapes and Blockbuster Video Stores. (There I go, aging myself again.) But a story I heard on NPR last week has me hopeful that printed books will be around for a long time. šŸ˜‰

Good News Numbers

First, some statistics. According to an article on, in the first nine months of 2016, e-book sales dropped 18.7% while paperback sales rose 7.5% and hardback sales climbed 4.1% Sales of e-readers reached their peak in 2011 and have been dropping ever since. A Pew Research study found that 65% of Americans had read a printed book in the past year, while only 28% had read a printed book. Experts explain the trend in sales a few ways:

  • Some genres do better in printed form, including childrenā€™s books, recipe books, and coloring books (which have been hugely popular in the last few years)
  • People are trying to decrease their screen time, and that includes time with e-readers
  • You canā€™t give e-books as gifts

Amazon Opens Bookstores

Another good sign for the print book business: Amazon, the online giant that made the ā€œKindleā€ a household appliance, has opened up several brick and mortar book stores in the US. The NPR story on this new Amazon venture says the stores are set up to replicate the online book shopping experience Amazon users have come to enjoy. Books are shelved with their covers facing out, so they are easy to see, and are organized in familiar sections like ā€œMost Wished Forā€. Prices compare to the Amazon site, with discounts for Prime Members.

Wait- even more good news! Ā Small independent bookstores arenā€™t threatened by this new Amazon sales approach because they connect with their customers other ways, like community support and author events. The stores that survive often do so because they offer services besides book sales, including cafes/ restaurants, book festivals, and even wine sales. Yet it all comes back to the books and bringing people of all lifestyles together in one place to discover and explore.

Kindle e reader
It’s been a while since I used this baby.

My kids still use their Kindles, especially when we are traveling. Ā It is convenient for them to load several books on each device so they know they have a good stock for the trip. I have several friends who like to get free/ cheap e-books or check them out from the library. Ā However, itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve read anything on a screen, and one of my favorite gifts to give is a book. Ā Iā€™m not sad to hear about the drop in e-book sales one bit!

What is your experience with e-books? Do you and the people around you still use them a lot?

Thanks for getting nerdy with me.







Julia Tomiak
I believe in the power of words to improve our lives, and I help people find interesting words to read. Member of SCBWI.


  1. Julia,
    Thank goodness for e-books since there isn’t a bookstore in Wytheville!! However, I love to feel the paper in my hands and flipping back through the pages to double check the storyline. A book is warm and feels like comfort and happy all rolled up into one.

    I’ll take a paper book any day! Now we just need to find someone to open a sweet little bookstore downtown.

  2. Love this news! I love holding a book. I’ve never read a book on Kindle, even though I’ve downloaded some…and Amazon opening bookstores? Interesting!

  3. I read both – I do like the ease in which I can get an ebook in an instant. But if I’ve read a few books in a row on my Kindle, I’m always happy to go back to a real book. I can’t imagine ever eliminating them entirely!

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